Do you sometimes find yourself waking up this morning and really just not feeling it. We have all been there a time or two. There can be a million reasons for not being motivated to head into work. Sometimes it has to do with the projects we will face during the day. Maybe it just feels too big or maybe it seems too mundane. Regardless of the reason we all need to find a way to overcome the lack of motivation we all experience at times when it comes to work. So, what are some good strategies? A couple of simple things I use when I am facing a project that seems to be too big to deal with and find myself struggling with getting motivated are Quick Wins and Permission.
Quick wins are those parts of any task or even unrelated tasks that boost our morale. When we can check a few things off the top of our list within a 30 - 45-minute time frame it boosts our motivation to move toward the bigger, seemingly overwhelming project or parts of a project. These can also be sprinkled in at later times in the day when your mind needs a break from the bigger parts of a project. Strategically using quick wins gives us the sense of accomplishment we all need sometimes in order to stay motivated to conquer the bigger task.
Permission can be used in a couple of ways. When I am faced with a bigger task, I will usually give myself permission to stop and work on quick wins first and foremost during the process. I will also give myself permission to walk away from the task if I get feeling too stuck (pending deadlines). When we are mentally tired or overwhelmed with a task trying to push through only decreases productivity. Walking away and letting our minds move on to something else can help to recharge our creative juices and motivation. I encourage that a person do something that involves some physical activity in order to avoid a shut down in you plan to come back to the task later. If you are walking away for the day, take a 30-minute pampering moment and do something you find to be enjoyable. Moving from one task straight to another, especially if it is not a quick win task, can further reduce our overall motivation.
Each of these can be tailored to a person's unique personality and lifestyle. Regardless of how they are tailored they do provide a powerful combination to overcome the lack of motivation we all face at times in the work place.
